Tag: crisis
Ukrainian crisis: how French diplomacy is working behind the scenes
The meeting was supposed to last only two hours, but ended up being eight and a half hours long. “It was long, it was difficult, but the result is there”,…
Crisis in Ukraine: Why Putin’s approach makes no sense
Looking at Russia’s strategy in Ukraine, and its strategy vis-à-vis the United States, we find ourselves faced with a conundrum: are we heading for war or are we witnessing a…
Ukrainian crisis: between Germany and Russia, a dangerous liaison
As the possibility of a Russian invasion of Ukraine intensifies as the days go by, one country is finding it more difficult than others to show its firmness within the…
Presidential election in Italy: the fear of a new political crisis
Electric atmosphere in Rome, where we fear a new crisis of government. February 3 will indeed end the seven-year term of Sergio Mattarella. His successor must be elected by Parliament…
Crisis in Ukraine: Sweden is also mobilizing in the face of the Russian threat
Let’s fight in Northern Europe! The alert level suddenly went up a notch in Sweden last week, when the Russian naval presence in the Baltic Sea was suddenly increased from…
Euro 2020: are the organizers taking too many risks in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis?
Are the organizers of the Euro football taking too many risks with the health situation? The growing circulation of the more contagious Delta variant, as well as the infection of…
Crisis in Ukraine: Germany under fire from critics
To respond to the threat of troops massed by the Kremlin on the Ukrainian border, Estonia had a plan: deliver to Kiev its forty-two 122 mm D-30s, a Soviet gun…
Russia-Ukraine crisis, the most exposed banks are in Italy, France and Austria
(Finance) – It is banks in Italy, France and Austria those with the increased cross-border exposure to Russia, according to data from the Bank for International Settlements, and therefore could…
Crisis in Ukraine: five scenarios for a possible Russian invasion
Not since the war in Bosnia (1992-1995) and, before that, since the Berlin crisis (1958-1963), which culminated in the construction of the wall in the summer of 1961, has Europe…
“It is time for Europeans to be actors in this crisis”
Russia launched new military maneuvers near Ukraine and in annexed Crimea on Tuesday, hours after accusing the United States of “ exacerbate tensions by putting thousands of American soldiers on…