Tag: criminals
The minister: “Should not have gang criminals in the recreational facilities”
– We must not have gang criminals inside our recreational facilities, and we must ensure that there are no criminal or Islamist elements in these environments. That’s what Minister of…
The Social Democrats: Not infiltrated by gang criminals
Published: Less than 20 min ago After Ebba Östlin (S) was voted out in Botkyrka, the party started an investigation. It now shows that the party has not been infiltrated…
The picture shows: Gang criminals play video games – at ABF’s leisure park
On January 28, Ebba Östlin was voted out as group leader for the Social Democrats in Botkyrka – but the picture of what is behind the vote out is different.…
Lapidus on defending guilty criminals: “Sick to the stomach”
He was the lawyer who saddled up and became a full-time writer. In Renée’s bridge sheep Jens Lapidus the question of how you as a lawyer approach defending someone who…
Municipalities are failing in their work with young criminals
Karin Svanberg says that the knowledge of how to work with juvenile delinquency varies between different municipalities and that there is often a gap in the level of efforts that…
S investigates rumors about gang criminals: "We have received a name"
The Social Democrats are now moving forward with the information that people with gang connections participated in the membership meeting in Botkyrka when the local S leader was voted out.…
Gotlänning detained – allegedly manufactured 3D weapons and sold to criminals
According to the newspaper, the 26-year-old reported himself to the police in Visby on Wednesday morning. The case is led by District Attorney Mats Wihlborg, who is tight-lipped about the…
The Minister of Justice: Correctional care better than Sis homes for young criminals
According to Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer, there needs to be a redistribution of young criminals from the Sis homes to the Correctional Service. Security for personnel needs to be…
Currents about the young gang criminals: A system change is required
According to national police chief Anders Thornberg, both perpetrators and victims of the wave of violence in the Stockholm area are children and young people, and the trend is for…
The moderates propose that gang criminals should have to pay for the costs of care
If a person is convicted of having shot someone who is then treated in hospital, the perpetrator should not only be forced to pay damages to the victim – but…