The moderates propose that gang criminals should have to pay for the costs of care

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

If a person is convicted of having shot someone who is then treated in hospital, the perpetrator should not only be forced to pay damages to the victim – but also to the region. This is according to a policy proposal from the Moderates in the Stockholm Region that SVT Nyheter has seen.

– We want the region to be able to apply for damages via court to cover the taxpayers’ cost of healthcare, says opposition regional councilor Irene Svenonius (M) about the proposal, which she is now presenting.

The party wants the proposal to also apply to other gang-related violent crimes that lead to hospitalization.

– Taxpayers’ money should go to providing care to honest people and not to paying for gunshot wounds that gang members inflict on each other.

“Must demonstrate consequences for gang criminals”

M wants this type of compensation to only be able to be claimed in serious crimes such as murder, attempted murder and serious assault where there are links to criminal networks and gang crime. The party wants the courts to decide whether the region is entitled to compensation for the costs of care. For example, in the case of an attempted murder where several people are convicted, M wants the perpetrators to jointly pay the region. If a perpetrator does not have enough assets to pay compensation, M wants the victim’s compensation to be prioritized over giving money to the region. How the party will push the proposal is still unclear.

Do you see any risks that care with this type of proposal may become conditional?

– No, it is not the patient we want to seek compensation from, but from the perpetrator. We see that gang violence is systemic and rooted in strong financial interests. We must set limits in society and show consequences for those who choose to be gang criminals. This should protect ordinary people and not punish the victim of gang violence.

The Social Democrats, which together with the Center Party and the Green Party govern in Region Stockholm, decline to comment and refer to the Ministry of Justice. SVT is looking for the Moderates centrally at national level.

Hear Irene Svenonius in the clip above about the proposal
