Tag: crematorium
Rineke found the ‘perfect place’ for her crematorium, but the neighbors don’t like it
The place Rineke has in mind is on the same road as that cemetery, but three kilometers further at Geestdorp 48. It is a farm where the stables have been…
Local pet crematorium offers more options for pet owners
Breadcrumb Trail Links News Local News Inspired by her love and animals and background in nursing Adrienne Tuling helps pets owners during grieving and cremation process. Published Aug 08, 2024…
Open house at the crematorium in Borås
On Saturday, the people of Borås will have the chance to experience something completely unique.Then families with children, and everyone else, have the opportunity to visit an open house among…
Bilthoven’s crematorium is off gas: ‘People like to make sustainable choices even after their death’
“In oven 1 a cremation is now underway. Here on the screen you can see the temperature, about 760 degrees. Oven 2 is now on standby and ready for the…