Tag: covers
Colorful covers introduced for PlayStation 5 (Slim)
Japanese tech giant sony, new in the past months PlayStation 5 introduced its models. Color covers for these releases today announced. This is what you can see above blue, silver…
This new aid covers your work if you are over 60 years old
From January 1, 2024, certain French people will be able to request completely new financial assistance to undertake adaptation work in their apartment or house. Keeping the elderly or people…
PlayStation 5 Colorful New Covers and Dualsenses Introduced
PlayStation, the first brand that comes to mind when it comes to consoles, introduced new covers and dualsenses for its latest version, PS5. Covers in red and blue colors with…
How many duvet covers can you put in a 5 kg washing machine? Is the number of kilos calculated on the basis of dry laundry or wet laundry?
It’s the season to wash your duvets. But do you know how many can be put in a machine at the same time? Here’s how to estimate it. The capacity…
Smoke covers the sky in Greece – a heat wave has caused wildfires across Europe
People have been evacuated from the path of wildfires in Europe. The heat wave in southern Europe has raised the temperature in many places above 40 degrees Celsius and broken…
The waters are warming in the Pacific… It will be the strongest in the world! Its range covers the USA and Australia
A new move came from the Beijing administration to anger the United States. It is reported that China has developed the world’s most powerful radar system that can change the…
Eight centimeters thick ash covers villages on the Kamchatka Peninsula
One of the world’s most active volcanoes, located on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East, has erupted. Villages have been buried in ash and residents of the region…
less and less ice covers lakes and rivers
Hit hard by climate change combined with a multi-decadal meteorological phenomenon, the American-Canadian Great Lakes are less and less permanently covered by ice. Like them, the St. Lawrence River and…
Monster Notebook announces new warranty model that covers user errors
Monster Notebook launched its new benefit and advantage-oriented service “Complementary Warranty” for sale. Monster Notebook launched its new benefit and advantage-oriented service “Complementary Warranty” for sale. Taking its after-sales support…
Combined heat and power plant covers for Ringhals | SVT News
– This will give a price leveling effect between the electricity areas, says Erik Ek, strategic operations manager at the authority in a press release. The utility must secure access…