Tag: Council
Launch of the National Council for Refoundation: “There is a democratic software to renovate”
This Wednesday, September 8 marks the launch of the National Council for Refoundation. This advice, with a name inspired by the Resistance, and considered a little too pompous by some,…
a National Refoundation Council behind closed doors and with an uncertain outcome
Emmanuel Macron launched, this Thursday, September 8, the National Council for Refoundation (CNR): a match behind closed doors with many absentees and with an uncertain outcome. The Head of State…
Why the oppositions are boycotting the National Council for Refoundation wanted by Emmanuel Macron
French President Emmanuel Macron inaugurates this Thursday a new “ policy revitalization tool “, according to the executive. Around him, about fifty representatives of civil society, the main associations of…
Security Council questions Ukrainians forcibly displaced by Moscow
In New York, the Security Council considered yesterday, Wednesday, September 7, one of the major questions surrounding the war in Ukraine: namely, what becomes of the displaced persons forced by…
Major setback by the Council of State ruling: “This farmer has no way out”
There is therefore a lot of uncertainty, and the Council of State has issued a ruling on this. “Whether those nitrogen standards are being exceeded or undershot is not certain.…
The launch of the National Council for Refoundation largely shunned by the opposition
They will be around fifty around Emmanuel Macron, Thursday, September 8, in Marcoussis, near Paris, to launch the National Council for Refoundation. The living forces of the country – unions,…
PVV and VVD: ‘New alderman De Vries (PvdA) passes city council’
Utrecht – Opposition parties PVV and VVD believe that Dennis de Vries, the new alderman for Housing in Utrecht, has sidelined the city council. He is said to have done…
Therefore, fewer people vote in the municipal council elections
The election to the Riksdag Eskilstuna (total 84.7 percent) Highest: Skogstorp south 93.7 percent Lowest: Råbergstorp-Lagersberg 63 Nyköping (88.7) Highest: Bryngelstorp 92.5 Lowest: Västra Brandkärr 72.6 Strangnäs (88.4) Highest: Finninge…
Democracy Day for young people filled the council hall in Härnösand
The day was divided into two – the morning was for junior high school students and the afternoon was for high school students. It was a sweaty day for Härnösand’s…
Stability council is called extra after the warranty notice
The reason is that on Saturday the government announced hundreds of billions in credit guarantees to the electricity companies to avert a potential financial crisis. The council consists of the…