Security Council questions Ukrainians forcibly displaced by Moscow

Security Council questions Ukrainians forcibly displaced by Moscow

In New York, the Security Council considered yesterday, Wednesday, September 7, one of the major questions surrounding the war in Ukraine: namely, what becomes of the displaced persons forced by Moscow? NGOs, the United States, but also UN agencies claim to have evidence of a system of deportation of civilians set up by Moscow.

With our correspondent at the UN, Carrie Nooten

A few weeks after the start of the war in Ukraine, diplomats spoke with fear of the “filtration camps” set up by Russian soldiers in the occupied territories. Yesterday, Wednesday September 7, in New York, the details were revealed: physical and psychological violence, torture, body searches and separation of families would be the lot of the civilians who are parked there before being forcibly embarked towards Russia.

Credible charges »

Between 900,000 and 1.6 million Ukrainians are already affected. The case of women and girls is of particular concern to Ilze Brands Kehris, the Under-Secretary General for Human Rights – that of children in general too: There are credible accusations of forcible transfers of unaccompanied children to Russian-occupied territory or to the Russian Federation itself. »

We are worriedshe says, the fact that the Russian authorities have adopted a simplified procedure for granting Russian nationality to children who are not in the custody of their parents, and that these children are eligible for adoption by Russian families. »

A “ war crime »?

For US Ambassador Linda Thomas Greenfield, these deportations constitute a “ war crime “. His Russian counterpart denounced the conduct of the Council and these accusations – a ” major new step in the disinformation campaign launched by Ukraine and the West ” according to him.

►Also read : Ukraine: in Zaporijjia, displaced people flee forced recruitment into Russian forces
