Tag: consumed
What are the benefits of sumac juice? How is sumac juice prepared and consumed?
Sumac is known as a plant that offers important health benefits beyond being one of the indispensable spices of our cuisine for centuries. Sumac is known for its red or…
What are the benefits of gano coffee? How is gano coffee consumed?
The flavor of gano coffee is very attractive for those who love the classic coffee taste. Coffee beans are carefully selected and blended with Ganoderma extract, resulting in a rich…
It is consumed frequently at breakfasts, but the damage it does is incredible! The number one enemy of heart health
There are about 400 calories in one pastry. You have to take 7500 steps to melt 1 piece of pastry consumed every day. Donuts, which cause rapid weight gain, can…
Drought: how is water consumed in France?
Objective: to reduce water consumption. The government disclosed on Monday August 21 the names of 12 industrial sites supported by the State to gradually reduce their water withdrawals. A total…
The flames consumed the graves of Hawaii’s kings and queens – drought and noxious plants behind the devastation
A wildfire almost completely destroyed Lahaina, the old capital of the Kingdom of Hawaii. A large wildfire that started on the island of Maui in Hawaii on Tuesday has caused…
What are the benefits of the call? How much should Cagla be consumed?
One of the most important features of the waterfall is that it contains a high amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant for the body, protecting…
Food that throws drugs away! Canan Karatay announced! It turns out that when consumed every morning…
Having made a name for himself with his advice on healthy nutrition and heart health, Prof. Dr. Canan Karatay stated that it is a food that will throw medicines in…
What are the benefits of cocoa? How is cocoa consumed, what is it good for?
Cocoa attracts attention with its high antioxidant content. Antioxidants help prevent cell damage by fighting free radicals in the body. Cocoa is also rich in antioxidant compounds called flavonoids and…
What are the benefits of capia pepper? How is capia pepper consumed, is it eaten raw?
Capia pepper can be used in kitchens in salads, stuffed vegetables, stir-fries, soups and many other dishes. It is also valuable in terms of health with the nutrients it contains.…
Consumed in moderation, alcohol could reduce the risk of heart disease… linked to stress
News Published on 07/04/2023 at 11:22 am Updated 07/04/2023 at 11:22 am Reading 3 mins. Scientific studies on the effects of alcohol on health follow each other without ever resembling…