Tag: Concern
Awakening: Concern about the adequacy of the pension has grown | The hot summer and climate change caused the avalanche in Italy
We tell the news and topics of the day quickly. Pension barometer: Only 55 percent trust that the money will be enough to pay pensions in the future as well…
It was thought to be a disease of old age! Diagnosis of 6-year-old little girl caused concern
Sanfilippo syndrome is one of the rare diseases affecting the brain and spinal cord. This disease, which begins to appear in young children, begins to develop developmental disabilities and loss…
Wall Street cautious, recession concern remains
(Finance) – The Wall Street stock exchange is trading cautiously higher while concerns remain in the background for a possible recession in the United States, with consequences on world markets.…
Does it look like a familiar curve? Italy’s solvency has become a concern for the whole of Europe, and analyst says new euro crisis “cannot be ruled out”
The years of loose monetary policy and zero interest rates are coming to an end. As a result, Italy’s debt situation is once again a matter of concern. 17:02 •…
Pregnancy diabetes: some risks but without concern
News Posted on 05/31/2022 at 6:18 p.m., Reading 3 mins. This is one of the most common disorders in a pregnant woman: gestational diabetes leads to multiple complications, which we…
The number is increasing! Monkeypox cases cause concern
The monkeypox epidemic, which started before the fear of Kovid-19 ended, caused stress and anxiety in the society. Monkey pox cases, which are also seen in the USA and England,…
How Monkey Flower Spread Raises Mutation Concern
After the Corona virus, the whole world is closely following the monkeypox virus, which has started to spread in many countries. Known to be endemic in the African continent, the…
WHO: There is still no concern that monkey pox is developing into a pandemic
Nearly 400 suspected and confirmed cases have been reported to the Health Organization from about twenty countries located far from the native areas of the disease. The World Health Organization…
Vulnerable puffins must be inventoried after concern
Experts are concerned about the decline of puffins along the British east coast. In 2022, an inventory of the species – classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature…
Vulnerable puffins must be inventoried after concern
– The population grew significantly during the 1980s and 1990s, then came a sudden crash. We lost almost 30 percent of all puffins in the early 2000s, after which the…