Tag: colon cancer
Even just 2 days is enough! Reduces cancer cells, benefits of coconut oil are surprising
Colon cancer is one of the most serious diseases. This insidious cancer is more common in men than women. Regular visits to a doctor are among the most important conditions…
Don’t call it unimportant! The most common symptom of colon cancer
Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases seen all over the world. There are many different types of cancer. Colon cancer in the large intestine is among the most…
Be sure to try it! If you mix the two… – Health News
Yogurt is one of the most frequently used foods in Turkish cuisines. Many people do not sit at the table without yogurt. The benefits of yogurt for diseases and skin…
Blue March: participation in colorectal cancer screening still too low
News Posted 1 day ago, Reading 3 mins. As part of the “Blue Mars” operation dedicated to raising awareness of colorectal cancer, the League Against Cancer is concerned about the…
Charcuterie: moving away from nitrate additives
News Published on 01/27/2022 at 5:16 p.m., Reading 1 min. This Wednesday, January 26, the bill concerning the reduction of nitrites in charcuterie was adopted in committee. A reduction that…