Tag: college
Medical consent: the College of Physicians recalls that this is not an option
News Published on 06/06/2023 at 1:21 p.m. Updated 06/06/2023 at 1:21 p.m. Reading 1 min. In a press release, the National Council of the College of Physicians recalls good practices…
Education: talking about sexuality with college students
Does sex hurt? Does a boy have to be erect to have sex? But also can a girl say no to a boy’s desire? All these questions can be addressed…
Crisis at human rights college: chairman would intimidate and discriminate
The four whistleblowers within the organization mainly focus on chairman Jacobine Geel. Although the Justice Department has promised the whistleblowers to protect them, two of them are forced to leave.…
College scholarships: amounts, for whom, how to get it?
From the start of the 2024 school year, the procedures for obtaining social grants upon entering college will be simplified. They will be assigned automatically to families. Who can apply…
Lambton College students among recipients of Indigenous scholarship
Two Lambton College students have been named recipients of $10,000 scholarships named for the late John Wesley Beaver, a fighter pilot during the Battle of Britain and chief of Aderville…
Lambton College students among recipients of Indigenous scholarship
News Local News Two Lambton College students have been named recipients of $10,000 scholarships named for the late John Wesley Beaver, a fighter pilot during the Battle of Britain and…
Lambton College wins national prize for research and innovation
News Local News PostedApr 30, 2023 • 2 minute read Mehdi Sheikhzadeh, vice president of research and innovation at Lambton College, is shown in this file photo. File photo/Postmedia Network…
Fewer cars, more green: Amersfoort college wants paid parking in almost the entire city
The center-left coalition of D66, GroenLinks, CDA, ChristenUnie and Party for the Animals wants the city not only to grow, but also to be cleaner, healthier, more liveable and more…
St. Clair College Alumni of Distinction: Chatham dental hygienist makes difference through charity work
News Local News Dental hygienist Christine Knights doesn’t just run her standalone practice to make a living; she’s also in business to make a difference. Published March 31, 2023 •…
The Swarm isn’t some exciting sci-fi blockbuster, it’s the most boring long-distance college seminar ever
Klaas never had a chance. At least when it comes to proving his acting skills in The Swarm. In the lavish ZDF series based on Frank Schätzing’s bestseller, the occasional…