Tag: cola
Danish drink is taking a fight against Coca Cola
Several Swedes have started to boycott American products after a series of actions from the president Donald Trump. For many it simply became too much when Trump claimed that Ukraine’s…
Coca Cola can implement criticized change
Donald Trumps Customs become reality in just a few weeks, if everything goes well. On March 12, tariffs at 25 percent will be introduced on imports of steel and aluminum,…
So it will be at Coop when Ica refuses Coca Cola
During the past week there has been a price war between ICA and Coca Cola. ICA has simply not agreed to the new prize that Coca Cola put on its…
Price war between Coca Cola and ICA – then the shelves gap empty
The cousin giant Coca-Cola plans to raise the price of its drinks. It is not appreciated by Swedish food giant ICA. Therefore, some stores have drawn into the range and…
“Ordinary” Cola or Cola Zero? That’s what the researcher says
It has previously been researched how useless it is with soft drinks with sugar and without. The substance found in sugar -free soda, but not in “regular” soda is aspartame…
Gaza Cola is gulp down in London, Palestine Cola in Sweden – cola drinks have become a way to protest Foreign countries
Half a million cans of Gaza Cola have already been sold in Britain in stores and online. The story in a nutshell Consumer boycotts are a key part of the…
YouTuber fills up his water cooler with cola instead of normal water and regrets it after a short time
A hobbyist shows on YouTube what happens when you fill a water cooler with cola. The result surprises him. However, he advises against prolonged use as a coolant. If installed…
Coca cola: stop to the commercial with Chiara Ferragni. The decision after the Balocco case
(Finance) – “We worked with Chiara in Italy in 2023, also for some filming held last December. We do not currently plan to use this content“. This is the position…
True or false: cola is effective in dislodging food stuck in the throat
News Published on 12/17/2023 at 12:06 p.m. Updated 12/17/2023 at 12:06 p.m. Reading 2 min. Many Internet users extol the merits of cola to try to dislodge food stuck in…
A tough detective series on Netflix is full of corruption, dry humor and cola
In “Belascoarán, Private Detective” (Netflix), a young man investigates corruption and Keli Cola in Mexico City in the 1970s. MeinMMO editor Lydia is a crime fiction fan and reveals what…