CNPR Forum: “Immediately concrete measures to reduce social gap in Italy”
(Finance) – The gap between classes social in Italy It is growing, influenced by the globalization and expansion of the European financial sector, which has led to a concentration of…
CNPR Forum: the Digital Transformation has affected the labor market
(Finance) – “The government has introduced measures to young people, women and families, expanding the flat tax and reducing the rate for new VAT matches. The decontribution for working mothers…
Cnpr Forum, high interest rates “scuttle” businesses and families
(Finance) – “The time for a turnaround on interest rates is approaching by the ECB, as also confirmed by the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Fabio Panetta. Inflation in…
Cnpr Forum: “13.5 billion euros for hydrogeological instability, there is no programming”
(Finance) – “I have proposed to all the parties and the government to write together and unanimously approve a law on soil consumption. Parliament has been trying for over 30…
Social security, Cnpr: settled result for 2022 + 85.04 million euros
(Finance) – The assembly of delegates of the Case of accountants and accounting expertschaired by Louis Pagliuca, approved the settlement of the 2022 budget and the budget forecast for the…
CNPR Forum, De Bertoldi: “Limiting the responsibility of the board of statutory auditors”
(Finance) – “Politics must act to limit the liability of the board of statutory auditors and it can do so by finding benchmarks, such as remuneration. One cannot be held…
Cnpr Forum: “From territorial banks boost to credit”
(Finance) – The confirmation of the need for favor the supply of credit in a phase of great uncertainty in the economy, but politics also urges a better use of…
Lavoro, CNPR: “Focusing on innovation and quality to relaunch development and employment”
(Finance) – “In our country there are collective agreements signed with minimum wages clearly below the poverty line. For some time we have been proposing to identify the national reference…