Tag: cholesterol
Contains powerful antioxidants! Prevents cancer, increases sperm count
Nigella sativa is a seed we often see on bread and pastries. The benefits of black cumin, which contributes to the food made both in appearance and taste, are not…
It has miraculous effects! Destroys cancerous cells, lowers cholesterol
Okra has very rich content and benefits. Especially the benefits of its seeds are known by people who prefer herbal treatments. The seeds of okra are obtained by removing the…
Watch your eyes! It is possible to know days ago that you are going to have a heart attack.
A heart attack occurs as a result of occlusion of one or more blood vessels. Cholesterol hardening of the heart vessels also leads to a heart attack. Thousands of people…
Don’t even put them in your mouth! If you want to lower cholesterol…
Cholesterol is a type of fat found in the blood of people and produced naturally by all cells, especially in the liver. When cholesterol levels are at high levels in…
It reduces the risk of diabetes and cancer, lowers cholesterol! Make sure to do it every day
Walking is a powerful step for both physical and mental health. Walking is more beneficial for your health than you think. According to the Harvard Health special report, published in…
It is not understood without having a heart attack or stroke! Deadly risk in your eyes: What is high cholesterol, what causes high cholesterol?
High cholesterol is one of the insidious and life-threatening diseases. Due to the changing lifestyle in recent years, high cholesterol has become visible in people of almost all ages. British…
It balances blood sugar, reduces cholesterol! 10 miraculous benefits of mineral water
It is known that many citizens are indecisive about mineral water consumption. Many people think that natural mineral waters will cause edema and stomach problems in the body. However, natural…
It makes immunity like steel, lowers cholesterol, burns belly fat blazingly! You will feel the effect! The benefits of carrots…
Who learns the benefits of carrots can not believe! Carrot, which has rich vitamin and mineral content, protects and strengthens you against many diseases. Carrot, which stands out especially with…
It is good for digestive problems, lowers cholesterol! Here are the benefits…
Cumin, one of the number one flavoring spices, also has many benefits for the human body. Balancing blood sugar, cumin lowers cholesterol. GOOD FOR DIGESTION Cumin is good for digestive…
Worst 5: Causes cancer, high cholesterol and more! 5 foods that can cause inflammation in the body!
Obesity is shown as one of the biggest problems of the future, even today. Causes of obesity include unhealthy diet, inactivity and lifestyle. To combat obesity, you can choose a…