Contains powerful antioxidants! Prevents cancer, increases sperm count

Contains powerful antioxidants Prevents cancer increases sperm count

Nigella sativa is a seed we often see on bread and pastries. The benefits of black cumin, which contributes to the food made both in appearance and taste, are not well known by the society. However, black cumin provides protection against many diseases and reduces health problems experienced in daily life. If you want to benefit from the benefits of black cumin, which has been used in medicine for many years, you can add a teaspoon to your salad or consume it with yogurt.

Black Seed Benefits


Taking black cumin seed extract for two months has been shown to lower high blood pressure in people with mildly elevated blood pressure. Taking black seed oil by mouth may help reduce symptoms of inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis.


The anti-inflammatory effects of black seed oil contribute to the improvement of asthma symptoms. It relieves the symptoms of bronchitis by reducing inflammation in the respiratory tract.


Black cumin contains plenty of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals that help the development of diseases such as cancer. In this way, black cumin is very effective in eliminating this life-threatening disease.

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Eating black cumin or consuming its oil can relieve stomach pain and cramps. Black seed oil also helps relieve gas, stomach bloating and ulcer pain.


Studies show that taking black seed oil increases sperm count and sperm speed in men with infertility problems.

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The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. Almost every toxin is processed through the liver, and bile in the liver is key to digesting fats and keeping your mind and body happy and healthy. For those struggling with liver dysfunction caused by medication side effects, alcohol consumption, or liver disease, black seed oil can greatly speed up the healing process.


It has been determined by studies that Type 2 diabetes patients who take black seed supplements have a decrease in blood sugar levels. While it is stated that the antioxidants in black seed oil can help regulate your blood sugar level, it is known that regular blood sugar level is also effective in maintaining the ideal weight. Keeping the blood sugar level in balance is part of a healthy life. Irregular blood sugar levels can increase the risk of heart and kidney disease. In the short term, it can affect your energy and mood.

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Some studies have linked black seed oil to lowering the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. This claim is again based on antioxidants.

Black Seed Harms

  • Nigella sativa, like almost every food, causes more harm than good when used unconsciously in excess. If you have decided to use black cumin for the treatment of an existing disease, be sure to tell your doctor.
  • If black cumin is taken in excess, it can also cause some intestinal problems. Since black cumin in excess amounts kills intestinal bacteria, it can cause constipation and similar problems.
  • It is known that black seed has a lowering effect on blood sugar. For this reason, people with blood sugar problems need to pay more attention to the use of black cumin and take precautions.
  • Black cumin, which also has a lowering effect on blood pressure, should definitely not be taken with normal blood pressure lowering drugs. Otherwise, you will increase the effect of the drugs more than necessary. This can reveal the problem of low blood pressure.
  • In addition, excessive consumption of black cumin can cause great damage to the liver, where it is normally beneficial. For this reason, you should definitely avoid taking black cumin in excessive amounts.
