Tag: Brussels
Clashes in Brussels between the police and demonstrators opposed to health restrictions
Clashes opposed the police and opponents of health restrictions to fight against Covid-19 in Brussels on Sunday, during a demonstration which brought together tens of thousands of people. According to…
Tens of thousands of protesters in Brussels against the vaccine and health restrictions
According to the authorities, around 50,000 people marched in the Belgian capital on Sunday January 23 against vaccines and health measures. This is the largest protest in the city in…
Brussels sprouts: what is it?
These miniature, very green, little headed cabbages are too little cultivated in vegetable gardens and too little cooked on the plates. Like many others cabbage, they are harvested from September…
it’s also a problem in Brussels
As in Austria, Australia and Guadeloupe, demonstrations shook the Belgian and Danish capitals on Saturday and Sunday.As in Austria, Australia, the Netherlands and Guadeloupe, demonstrations continued on Saturday and Sunday…