Tag: bowel
The most harmful food eaten for breakfast! 7 harms that affect health
Carbohydrate bomb pastries such as bagels, pastries, and rolls are the first choice of those looking for practical but delicious foods for breakfast. Although these foods eliminate the problem of…
Having a bowel movement: foods to take, positions
People who have a normal transit have a bowel movement almost every day. Having a bowel movement less than 3 times a week is a sign of constipation. Foods for…
It has been used for healing for centuries! Powerful antioxidant source prevents cancer, lowers cholesterol
Chaga is a fungus that grows on birch trees with damaged bark in cold climates. This mushroom, which looks like burnt, can also be effective against cancer and inflammation. The…
Inflammatory bowel disease: Eating too much sugar makes symptoms worse
News Published on 05/30/2023 at 3:22 p.m. Updated 05/30/2023 at 3:22 p.m. Reading 2 mins. While more than 6 million people suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) worldwide, a study…
Beware of persistent pain! Your intestines may be in danger
Intestinal parasites are caused by lack of hygiene and improperly consumed foods. Inadequate washing and cooking of food, drinking dirty water causes parasites to be transmitted to the body through…
These four bowel cancer ‘red flags’ that appear ‘up to two years’ before diagnosis
Researchers found that patients with early bowel cancer were likely to experience four symptoms between three months and two years before diagnosis. A new study has identified four “red flag”…
The unknown danger of pumpkin seeds! Causes great damage to the intestines
Pumpkin and pumpkin seeds are among the most consumed foods. There are many benefits of pumpkin seeds, which are not missing from the kitchen of those who prefer healthy snacks…
Don’t throw it away! It shields against cancer, cleans the intestines
Grapes are among the most popular fruits. Grape, which is frequently preferred because of its benefits, is not only beneficial for itself, but also for its seeds and oil. Grape…
Natural medicine used for centuries! Magnesium bomb this food lowers blood sugar and cholesterol
Millet has been known for centuries for its healing properties for many diseases. Millet, which is produced 8 million times a year in the world, remains popular in China, India…
Scissors were forgotten in the surgery! The truth is days later…
Cleyton Jose Zanatta, a member of parliament living in Brazil, had surgery for a tumor in his intestines. Although everything went well in this first intervention, he started to feel…