Tag: boost
Finnish alpine skiing is looking for a boost with the latest training – fresh head coaches from Croatia and Austria
Head coaches from Croatia and Austria are looking for a new rise in Finnish alpine skiing. 6.5. 16:56 • Updated 6.5. 16:58 A Croatian has been chosen as the new…
Prime Macron 2022: a big boost! For who ?
MACRON BONUS 2022. The exceptional purchasing power bonus could reach 6,000 euros this year! For who ? How it works ? We take stock. Summary [Mis à jour le 2…
How Joe Biden plans to massively boost military aid to Ukraine
This is a little more than the general budget of the Ministry of the Interior, in France, for the whole of 2022. American President Joe Biden asked the American Congress…
Community-based policing units get boost in Chatham-Kent
Chatham-Kent’s police department is receiving a $2.6-million share of the $23.2 million earmarked by the province for Southwestern Ontario through the Community Safety and Policing Grant program. Sgt. Doug Cowell,…
Is it a myth or does it boost immunity? What does boiling lemon do?
There are many rumors circulating about lemons and lemon peels. Although the benefits of lemon have been scientifically proven, how well does the talk about boiling and drinking it work?…
in Kharkiv, a handful of restaurants reopen to boost the morale of the inhabitants
In eastern Ukraine, Russian troops are amassing in anticipation of an upcoming offensive in the Donbass. Further north, near the border with Russia, the country’s second city, Kharkiv, is under…
Finally a boost for entrepreneur Shamida: ‘This is also Lunetten’
UTRECHT – The Utrecht entrepreneur Shamida Smulders has had a good portion of bad luck after an armed robbery, corona crisis and a burglary, but now she can finally take…
The Empress in concert: “A big boost of love and adrenaline”
INTERVIEW. French pop group L’Impératrice is currently on tour for their second album, “Tako Tsubo”. From Brooklyn to Berlin, via Lille, Toulouse or Garorock: L’Impératrice is back on the road…
2022 mileage scale: a tempting boost, what gain?
KILOMETER SCALE 2022. The mileage allowance scale will benefit from a serious boost in the coming days. How much will you earn with this upgrade? We tell you everything. Summary…
Prime Macron 2022: a boost of 6,000 euros?
PRIME MACRON 2022. The PEPA premium or Macron premium should triple in the event of re-election of the current President of the Republic. How much will you earn? We tell…