Tag: Books
“800 days at the ministry of the impossible”, by Léo Cohen
In France, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne must soon recompose her government with the unprecedented function of directly coordinating ecological planning to finally better deal with the climate emergency. Former collaborator…
“Gettysburgh, an emblematic battle, but not decisive”, according to Vincent Bernard
On April 12, 1861, the Civil War began in the United States, which was to end in 1865. With 750,000, perhaps 850,000 dead, or about 2.5% of the population. It…
“The plague on both of your families”, the new novel by Robert Littell
Robert Littell publishes with Flammarion an impossible love story between two heirs of two mafia clans in Russia. The plague on your two families takes place at a decisive period:…
“The price of our tears” by Mathieu Delahousse
France has a unique law in the world to compensate victims of terrorism. Since 2015, between the Charlie Hebdo attacks, those of November 13 (whose trial ends in three days),…
Buy now in 2 chic media books
Children of Men was ranked #1 in our list of the 50 best sci-fi movies since 2000, beating out popular blockbusters like Interstellar and Minority Report for the top spot.…
Author Patricia Reznikov presents her book “Alice in the Land of Women”
Franco-American novelist Patricia Reznikov has just published a modern version of the classic Alice in Wonderland. In a novel, she highlights the feminist struggles of Lewis Caroll’s young heroine, which…
Therefore, books and music are banned in Ukraine
At the beginning of the war, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky enacted laws banning political parties with links to Russia. Since then, Ukraine’s Justice Department has banned eleven political parties and…
In Hong Kong, the former British rule is gradually disappearing from school books
The former colony is preparing to celebrate in two weeks the 25th anniversary of the return of the territory by the British crown to China. But, according to the new…
With “Allons z’enfants”, Éric Bataillon follows two activists in a fictional post-election France
Cultural guest Éric Bataillon, at the helm of the program Orient hebdo, a magazine devoted to the Maghreb and the Middle East on RFI, has just published his first novel…
better access to books in the city of Lubumbashi
The city of Lubumbashi is equipped, thanks to the French Institute, with a youth library and a comic book library. It’s a first. This cultural institution has just acquired more…