Tag: Book France
Véronique Sousset delivers “Fragments of prison”
Close-up this Sunday on the prison world with Véronique Sousset, author of the book Fragments de prison, published by Le Cherche Midi editions. Véronique Sousset directs the penitentiary center for…
“The Odyssey of the Ants”, by Audrey Dussutour and Antoine Wystrach
The French Book of the week is interested in a much more varied world than we think: that of ants. It is the result of years of study by two…
“She leaves him, he kills her”, by Sandrine Bouchait
Book France the Book France of the week denounces the horror of feminicides and the dysfunctions of justice. In 2021, 113 women were victims of femicide in France. Sandrine Bouchait,…
BD: “They are everywhere”, glossary of the multiple facets of conspiracy with Valérie Igounet
the Book France of the week takes us into the world of conspiracy and the far right. They are everywhere, is the title of this educational and ultra-documented comic strip.…
“Daddy what did you do in Algeria?” by Raphaëlle Branche
Book France In less than a week, we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Évian Accords which put an end to the war in Algeria. This Sunday, the France…
“Policeman, child of the Republic”, by Abdoulaye Kanté
The Book France of the week approaches the French police seen from the inside, without taboo. Abdoulaye Kanté publishes, with Fayard editions, Policeman, child of the Republic. A book that…
“Zemmour against history”, a collective essay published by Gallimard editions
The polemicist Eric Zemmour, presidential candidate, prides himself on knowing the history of France. However, some of his declarations are worth lawsuits to him, as when he affirms that Pétain…
“Stay Up” by Michel Zecler
In November 2020, the Loopsider site published a video of unbearable violence: that of a man being beaten up by police in his music studio in Paris. The victim, Michel…
“Strive for digital sobriety” by Frédéric Bordage
Frédéric Bordage, the author of Strive for digital sobriety, offers us solutions that are easy to implement (not giving in to technological sirens, buying sustainable equipment, recycling, etc.) so that…
“Save our oceans!” by Jean-Michel Cousteau
This Sunday’s France book is an appeal for the environment: ” Save our oceans ! », Published by Éditions de l’Archipel. Its author is Jean-Michel Cousteau, son of the famous…