Tag: BNP
BNL Bnp Paribas “Just in Cash”: now cash withdrawals are also in-store
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – BNL BNP Paribas – among the first banks in Italy – integrates, within its app di mobile banking“Just in Cash”, a new functionality thanks to which…
BNL BNP Paribas, Bonansea director of the private banking and wealth management division
(Finance) – Luca Bonansea, from next December 1st, will be the new Director of the Private Banking & Wealth Management Division of BNL BNP Paribas. He takes over from Isabella…
BNL Bnp Paribas launches an integrated communication campaign for individuals and businesses
(Finance) – The communication campaign is kicking off these days integrated, aimed at individuals and companies, by BNL Bnp Paribas, with the aim of supporting them in the management of…
Confagricoltura and Bnl Bnp Paribas together to support business access to credit
(Finance) – Specialist consultancy services, projects for the innovation and enhancement of supply chains and financial training courses. These are the points shared by Confagricoltura And BNL BNP Paribas in…
Diversity, BNP Paribas AM study confirms high share of women in the Boards
(Finance) – In Italy, 39% of Board members of the companies in which BNP Paribas AM invests she is a womana superior presence than the average of listed companies both…
BNP Paribas sells its American subsidiary Bank of the West
It is an operation of a rare magnitude in the banking sector. BNP Paribas sells its American subsidiary Bank of the West to Bank of Montreal. The amount of the…