Tag: biological
German scientists use bacteria capable of producing electricity from sunlight. A biological technology that would eventually make it possible to make real “lively” solar panels.
German scientists use bacteria capable of producing electricity from sunlight. A biological technology that would eventually make it possible to make real “lively” solar panels. Traditional solar panels, of a…
This is how endangered species are monitored – Swedish researchers at the forefront of saving biological diversity
Swedish researchers have been at the forefront of developing techniques to monitor genetic diversity for many decades, and researchers at Stockholm University have pushed internationally for better monitoring of threatened…
Your Biological Age Might Surprise You: Evaluate It Now!
News Published on 07/25/2024 at 2:19 p.m. Updated 07/25/2024 at 2:19 p.m. Reading 2 min. Do you know what your real biological age is? Longevity specialists have developed a tool…
Reiki, Access Bar, dental biological decoding… These charlatans still present on Doctolib – L’Express
But what is happening at the main platform for making medical appointments in France? Here, a nurse offering Reiki sessions, a practice which is regularly reported to the Interministerial Mission…
Britain tightens sex education for young people – only biological sex is accepted | Foreign countries
LONDON The British government plans to make it illegal for teachers to talk about gender diversity at any grade level. It must not even be done as part of sex…
Find out how many months pregnancy accelerates biological aging in women
News Published on 04/10/2024 at 4:20 p.m. Updated 04/10/2024 at 4:20 p.m. Reading 3 min. A marvel of biology, pregnancy, however, has a price to pay: women affected by one…
Do we want biological men in girls’ changing rooms
Jimmie Åkesson (SD) and Linda Lindberg (SD) believe that the proposal for a new gender identity law risks the safety of women and girls. It also makes it easier for…
Which start of spring is the correct one, the biological, astronomical, or meteorological?
Province of Utrecht – After the biological spring and the meteorological spring, the astronomical spring also started today, March 20. But what do all these different starting times of spring…
Take these 7 tests yourself that reveal your biological age!
News Published on 01/03/2024 at 5:50 p.m. Updated 01/03/2024 at 5:50 p.m. Reading 3 min. Do you have any idea of your biological age, that is, the age of your…
How old is our body? “Biological clocks”, this coming revolution – L’Express
There is no more unjust executioner than time. Mute, what’s more. He attacks some, spares others, without warning. What will he do with the vitality and tone of our younger…