Do we want biological men in girls’ changing rooms

Jimmie Åkesson (SD) and Linda Lindberg (SD) believe that the proposal for a new gender identity law risks the safety of women and girls. It also makes it easier for criminals to clear their history, they write in a debate article at Expressen.
“Most preferably, Sweden would go the other way”

“Do we really want biological men among ten-year-old girls in the changing rooms? Do we really want a convicted pedophile to be able to apply to preschool and work with children and young people without problems?”

This is how Jimmie Åkesson (SD) and Linda Lindberg (SD) begin one debate article in Expressen. The party leader and chairman of SD women writes that the party wants to see talk therapy and support as the primary efforts – and that interventions should only be done when you are 25 years old with an established diagnosis.

“Symbolic politics must not override women’s safety”

Åkesson and Lindberg write that people with gender dysphoria will most certainly be the largest group who want to change their legal gender.

However, one can count on a high risk that men with an interest in being where only women and girls are allowed to stay – “changing rooms, in a boxing ring or in a women’s shelter” – will also be present in the sex change statistics, they write.

“Symbolic policies such as legal gender reassignments must never exceed women’s safety and well-being, or enable criminals to escape Swedish law.”

Earlier today, SD announced that they will try to stop the proposal for a gender identity law in the Riksdag. According to the plan, the Riksdag is to vote on the bill on April 17.
