Tag: Benign
[En intégral] Nathalie Hounvo Yekpe (Benin): “Race to the wedding”
It is the story of three sisters with linked destinies but only one of them succeeded. Madila is married to a rich man. Her children go to French school. Everything…
security cooperation at the center of exchanges between Emmanuel Macron and Patrice Talon
Benin wants to be attractive to investors. And also become a regional cultural hub. But the country is confronted with terrorism in its northern part, on the Burkinabè border. Cooperation…
Emmanuel Macron to visit Cameroon, Benin and Guinea-Bissau next week
The French President will be accompanied by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the Armed Forces and External Relations and the Secretary of State for Development. The Élysée says it wants…
ECOWAS virologists meet to prepare for monkeypox
A meeting of the WHO World Health Organization emergency committee is scheduled for Thursday, July 21 to deal with monkeypox. This infectious disease, which is characterized by the appearance of…
Freedom, creativity, transversality with Emo de Medeiros
He walks masked, and in doing so, becomes seer. Futuristic glasses on the nose, that’s why you won’t know anything about the color of the eyes of Emo de Medeiros.…
President of the Constitutional Court Joseph Djogbénou resigns
The President of the Constitutional Court, lawyer Joseph Djogbénou, announced his resignation on Tuesday July 12. This very close to the Beninese head of state Patrice Talon will land in…
Prix RFI Théâtre 2022, the shortlisted texts
Following the call for applications for the 9th edition of the “RFI Theater Prize”, eleven unpublished texts were shortlisted for their literary and dramaturgical qualities and their originality. They will…
Eurockéennes: Star Feminine Band, the Africa of tomorrow
After the violent storms which canceled two days of concerts at the Eurockéennes, the Belfort festival is delighted to be back with the public and the artists this weekend of…
still too many children without civil status, warns Amnesty International
The NGO is currently leading a campaign against statelessness, in partnership with UNHCR, the High Commissioner for Refugees. The organization raises awareness among the populations of the communes of Karimama…
Is classifying ways of speaking classifying people?
Is there a linguistic norm, a good way to speak? Why are certain ways of speaking considered faults? Advertising And how are perceived people who do not express themselves, according…