Baarn receives extra minor refugees in barracks
“We see that the need is very high because many refugees and especially young refugees are coming to the Netherlands, due to war and other misery around the world,” says…
Eembrugge shakes on its foundations, hundreds of trucks carry away rubble from the Ocrietterrein
The trucks drive back and forth to the former Ocriet factory north of the hamlet. The factory has been demolished and the ground has recently been prepared for construction, so…
Just in Baarn and back to the war: Tamara from Ukraine visits her refugee mother
While she is talking, in her mother’s room in Baarn, the monthly test alarm sounds outside. It doesn’t affect her much, at most a short physical reaction, she says. She…
Soestdijk Palace expects 2500 ‘mollots’, NS adjusts timetable
Who is the mole? Who is the mole? is a game show that is broadcast annually on TV from January to March. The candidates try to earn money in exotic…
Surprise: plan for culture house in the heart of Baarn is suddenly back on the table
According to Schouten, the once rejected Arcade plan is still the basis for what he is now putting on the table. “The possibility therefore still exists, with all the benefits…
Movement at Soestdijk Palace, Parade becomes outdoor sports location: ‘Nature provides the music’
That base will be opposite the palace, on the other side of the Amsterdamsestraatweg. There, in the southernmost corner of the Baarnse Bos, there are staff residences, a coach house…
Former chairman of the ACP police union appealed after conviction of transgressive behaviour
The former chairman contacted a colleague via WhatsApp between 2017 and 2021. He requested her ‘hugs several times’, started about world kiss day, asked why he was not allowed on…
Drug dealers Baarn in jail, contact and area ban also imposed
Two drug dealers aged 27 and 26 from Baarn were sentenced to long prison terms this afternoon. The men were arrested last summer after raids in Amsterdam and Baarn. According…
Baarn wants to build on hospital grounds: ‘We will not touch Bosje van IJsendijk’
Meander maintains a modern ‘outpost’ in Baarn with various outpatient clinics, but if the care becomes more laborious, patients from the Baarn area must report to Amersfoort. The real estate…
Flamboyant Baarn politician Tinus Snyders passed away: ‘Bohemian, genius crazy and beautiful, sweet person’
Meanwhile, two former political associates of Snyders had founded the local party VoorBaarn in 2017. That party is currently the largest in the city council. Group chairman Tino Schouten, one…