Tag: Autism
ASD (autism spectrum disorder): towards a promising treatment?
News Posted on 06/17/2022 at 2:10 p.m., Reading 2 mins. in collaboration with Florent Chapel, co-president of Autism Info Service The National Institute of Health and Medical Research published on…
He had learned by falling down the stairs! Beat autism with the right treatment…
The Kıranlı family realized that their little girl could not do the movements appropriate for her age. They took Nisa Kıranlı, who was 9 months old, to the doctor because…
Those diagnosed with autism tell: ‘I want 40 years of my life back’
Barney Angliss has spent most of his life trying to fit in with society. It was only when he was diagnosed with autism at the age of 49 that he…
Autism detectable at the fetal stage thanks to MRIs
News Posted on 07/04/2022 at 07:43, Reading 3 mins. For all diseases, the earlier the diagnosis, the more the management, whether medical or multidisciplinary, is optimized. This is also the…
“Two minutes to better live with autism”, a video platform for caregivers of autistic children
News Posted on 04/02/2022 at 4:08 p.m., Reading 2 mins. On the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day 2022, Doctissimo chooses to highlight a free video platform for caregivers of…
Chatham-Kent firefighters supporting new autism program
Members of the Chatham-Kent Professional Firefighters Association will be spending April raising funds, in-house, to support a new autism program offered by the Children’s Treatment Center of Chatham-Kent. Firefighter Steve…
Firefighters supporting new autism program to help children transition into school
Members of the Chatham-Kent Professional Firefighters Association will be spending April raising funds, in-house, to support a new autism program offered by the Children’s Treatment Center of Chatham-Kent. Firefighter Steve…
Autism Day 2022: why wear blue on April 2?
World Autism Awareness Day takes place on Saturday, April 2, 2022. To support all autistic people and those around them, we are encouraged to wear blue. Why and what does…
Autism Day 2022: why wear blue on April 2?
World Autism Awareness Day takes place on Saturday, April 2, 2022. To support all autistic people and those around them, we are encouraged to wear blue. Why and what does…
Pregnancy: sleep apnea linked to an increased risk of autism in children?
News Posted on 02/08/2022 at 1:55 p.m., Reading 2 mins. According to an American study, sleep apnea during pregnancy could increase the risk of giving birth to a child with…