Tag: audiovisual
2025 will be the year of great upheavals in the French audiovisual landscape. In a few days, two popular TV channels will disappear from TNT. And others will follow, with a change in the numbering.
2025 will be the year of great upheavals in the French audiovisual landscape. In a few days, two popular TV channels will disappear from TNT. And others will follow, with…
Bad news for Canal+ subscribers: from January 2025, they will have to pay a few euros more for their offer, and without additional service or content. A surprising decision which comes at a particular time for the audiovisual group.
Bad news for Canal+ subscribers: from January 2025, they will have to pay a few euros more for their offer, and without additional service or content. A surprising decision which…
TV against Youtube: war is declared between the audiovisual giants
With the growing popularity of Youtube, a platform on which 2 billion users come together per month, French TV channels are quivering and uniting against the American juggernaut. Considered as…
C8 and CNews defend their frequencies before the French audiovisual “policeman”
The broadcast frequencies of 15 television channels are due to expire in 2025. All candidate channels, existing or aspiring to broadcast on the TNT network, had until Wednesday, July 17…
Public audiovisual, highways… These RN projects that don’t hold up – L’Express
Privatize public broadcasting, nationalize French highways. The National Rally’s program has been giving investors the shivers for two weeks. On the stock market, TF1, M6 and NRJ Group have suffered,…
L.Jacobelli (RN): “France TV will be privatized so that French audiovisual giants will be born”
08:37 Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for the National Rally, outgoing deputy and candidate for the 8th constituency of Moselle, is this Tuesday, June 25, five days before the first round of…
L. Jacobelli (RN): “France TV will be privatized so that French audiovisual giants will be born”
Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for the National Rally, outgoing deputy and candidate for the 8th constituency of Moselle, is this Tuesday, June 25, five days before the first round of the…
Legislative in France: official audiovisual campaigns
As part of the official campaign for the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, 2024, the various political parties in the running have equal speaking and airtime…
“Let’s impose a form of pluralism on the audiovisual media” – L’Express
Putin’s soldiers Pierre Maufroy, La Salvetat-sur-Agout (Hérault) Within two years – if the fratricidal fighting continues with the same intensity – Russia will have lost more than a million men,…
The Canadian public audiovisual group CBC/Radio-Canada cuts more than 600 positions
The public broadcaster Radio-Canada announces major cuts by April 1, 2024, or 600 positions. This represents 10% of its workforce. This bad news comes as private television channels also cut…