“Let’s impose a form of pluralism on the audiovisual media” – L’Express

Lets impose a form of pluralism on the audiovisual media

Putin’s soldiers

Pierre Maufroy, La Salvetat-sur-Agout (Hérault)

Within two years – if the fratricidal fighting continues with the same intensity – Russia will have lost more than a million men, killed or wounded. At this point, due to a lack of available male fighters, we can imagine that Putin will then enlist more women, who will probably respond – several tens of thousands of them are already voluntarily engaged in this conflict. Their honorable grandmothers did the same in 1944, but for a much nobler cause while the Russian people were in a position of aggression. (“Putin has the irrepressible desire for unlimited war“, L’Express of March 14.)

Women: quotas are not enough

Dominique Calmels, Millau (Aveyron)

Not only are “quotas not enough to completely break through the glass ceiling”, as Eric Chol writes, but it is regrettable that it has come to this point to allow women to access management positions. For too long, men believed that we were not equipped for this. Male mentalities must continue to evolve towards parity, including in the context of family life. Parents – and mothers in particular – must also stop reproducing the pattern of the woman-child or the woman-object, living only through a man. (“Women: quotas are not enough”L’Express of March 7.)

READ ALSO: IVG in the Constitution: “In theory, the legislator can always limit access to abortion”

IVG and freedom of thought

Gilles Blanc, Saint-Jeoire-Prieuré (Savoie)

A long-time supporter of gender equality, I offer you a different look at the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution, often presented as a “historic victory”. However, knowing that this freedom was already guaranteed by law, abortion was not in danger in France. The only danger would be to see it called into question by traditional Catholics (of whom I am not). It therefore seems to me that the real aim of those who voted for this useless inscription is to remove the conscience clause from doctors, in other words to suppress the freedom of thought and to silence those who do not adopt the single thought. It is the same for other subjects, in the wake of the wokist vogue in fashion in the United States. Thanks nevertheless to L’Express for representing a valuable source of reflection, even in the event of disagreement. (“IVG: how the Constitution became a political object”on Lexpress.fr)

CNews and pluralism

Marion Ion, Paris

Contrary to what one of your readers says, I think that a certain form of pluralism must be imposed on the audiovisual media. Otherwise, the risk is of arriving at an American-style situation, with ultra-politicized channels. The risk is all the greater since it is enough for a billionaire to pay large sums of money to acquire sports rights, thus capturing a significant number of viewers, before broadcasting to them between two matches any kind of politically biased program … (“Letters from readers“, L’Express of March 7.)

READ ALSO: Arcom-CNews: the real issue for our media is not so much pluralism as quality

Orwell was right

Charles Kinski, Nantes (Loire-Atlantique)

“War is peace/Freedom is slavery/Ignorance is strength”… Orwellian Newspeak is the hallmark of absolute totalitarianism. After Forget Camusby Oliver Gloag, here is Beware of Kafka, another masterpiece of newspeak and crass ignorance, this time by Geoffroy de Lagasnerie. These inept and nauseating attacks against great authors are extremely significant, in the same way as the smearing of paintings and the xenophobic censorship of Russian artists characterizing the wokized Western world. Further proof of the return of dark times. Culture is still one of the priority targets of fascism. (“Geoffroy de Lagasnerie: “The hegemonic model is always the couple who must have children””, on Lexpress.fr)
