Tag: astrology
Health, employment, finances… The unsuspected dangers of astrology – L’Express
Mathilde spent her entire youth under the sign of astrology. Her two parents, fervent believers, educated her in this belief that has an answer to everything. If she is too…
Gen Z uses astrology and tarot to invest money in stocks and wants to earn thousands of euros
Gen Z invests their money by relying on tarot and astrology and wants to be very successful with it. TikTokers show how much money they make with it. But experts…
Haunted houses, witches, astrology… When the media legitimize the paranormal
“At a time when technologies are blurring space-time and when religions are losing their significance, ghosts are regaining control.” One might think this sentence straight out of a B series.…
Alternative medicine, extreme right and astrology… Welcome to the “summer university” of the complosphere
Sectarian aberrations, Irène* had not heard of them. The poster for the show “Tomorrow is today” promised meetings and workshops around “science”, “healthy eating” and “natural health”. All in the…