Tag: armies
Adrien Estève: “For the armies, the climate is never the first priority”
The climate crisis cuts across all strata of society. The army, too, wonders about the upheavals in progress and to come. From the use of weapons with more than harmful…
The operational reserve, an ambition for the armies
/ Podcasts / Report France The Ministry of the Armed Forces is working on doubling the reservists. Emmanuel Macron deemed it necessary to increase the operational reserve, currently 40,000 people.…
One of the world’s largest armies has set its sights on Bayraktar TB2! Notable post from Italy
Italy, which has one of the largest armies in the world, aspired to Bayraktar TB2. In the post made by Italy, a visual of the country’s military future vision was…
Worok: the hacker gang that shakes governments, armies and banks
You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Cyber espionage: what are the threats? Interference in elections, theft of industrial data, hacking of military systems… Cyber espionage has taken off in…
Increase in the budget of the armies: “The conflicts that we foresee require a different army”
During his July 14 interview, a tradition with which Emmanuel Macron has returned, the French president returned to his announcement of an increase in the army budget. Interview with François…
deadly clashes between the Ethiopian and Sudanese armies
The situation is very tense on the border between Sudan and Ethiopia. The Sudanese army denounced, Saturday, November 28, an attack carried out by Ethiopian forces in the disputed region…