Housing Plan, Anci, Ance: positive evaluation, but the text needs to be improved
(Finance) – Il decree on the Housing Plancurrently under review at House Environment and Public Works Committeereceived afavorable reception by theNational Association of Italian Municipalities (Anci) and of theNational Association…
Superbonus decree, Brancaccio (Ance): retroactivity and continuous regulatory changes
(Finance) – “La there is retroactivity. We will see what the text will be, but we are worried because there is a constant barrage of changes. The rules keep changing…
ANCE: materials, labor shortages and PA capacity weigh heavily on PNRR construction sites
(Finance) – The expensive materials risks blocking the PNRR construction sitesaccording to what emerges from the Economic Observatory on the construction industry ofREEDS (National Association of Building Builders). The measures…