Tag: age
Changing our view of old age, a way to live happily and longer
News Published on 25/10/2022 at 10:32 am Updated 25/10/2022 at 10:32 am Reading 2 mins. How to age happily? While 78% of French people fear aging, according to an Ipsos…
Viking Age sword found: “Unique find”
Along the E18 outside Köping, archaeologists have made rare finds. In a burial field, dated to the Late Iron Age, approximately 600–1,000 AD, two swords estimated to be from the…
This happened at a young age! The reason was later understood
High cholesterol, also known as hypercholesterolemia, is a precursor to heart disease and usually progresses without symptoms. What makes high cholesterol extremely harmful is that it accumulates insidiously in the…
Biological age: what is this psychological factor that ages us by almost 2 years?
According to researchers, feeling unhappy or alone could accelerate biological aging, and at the same time, promote the onset of diseases and the risk of premature death. Hence the importance…
Men age faster than women (and it starts at 21)
Finnish experts have measured the biological age of men and women. They found that at age 50, men were biologically older than women born in the same year. A team…
Notre-Dame de Paris in the age of science, with Philippe Dillmann
In the aftermath of the Notre-Dame fire of April 15, 2019, mobilization instantly follows emotion. Thus begins a formidable scientific adventure told in the collective work Notre-Dame de Paris, science…
One was already training at the age of 8
a notice: We already published this article at the start of Cobra Kai Season 3. It was slightly adapted for the fourth season of the Netflix series and supplemented with…
The family almost lived in a car so that the boy could play the basketball he loved – the godfather predicted the future of Elias Valtonen from Eura at the age of 12
Susijengi will meet Holland in the European Championships on Thursday at 15:00. Live broadcast of the final match of the first group on TV2 and Areena from 14:40. EUR. A…
Too much blue light can age you prematurely
News Published on 08/31/2022 at 3:23 p.m. Updated 08/31/2022 at 00:00 Reading 1 min. in collaboration with Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo) Medical validation: August 31, 2022 According…
DTP vaccine: name, age, what is the tetanus vaccine?
The DTP vaccine is the vaccine that protects against Diphtheria, Tetanus and Poliomyelitis. It is also called “tetanus vaccine”. It is a compulsory vaccine in France. When to do it?…