Swordfish found on Gotska Sandön

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When Ellinor Dahl was with a friend on Gotska Sandön this weekend, they saw something on the beach that they first thought was a seal, but it turned out to be a swordfish.

According to Ellinor Dahl, this is the northernmost recorded find of swordfish.

– It has never happened on Gotland or on Gotska Sandön and not so far north in the Baltic Sea have swordfish been found either, says Ellinor Dahl.

According to Peter Landegren, who is the county fisheries consultant at the county board, it is very unusual to find swordfish at these latitudes.

– As far as I know, it is the northernmost find, he tells P4 Gotland.

Hear Ellinor recount the incident in the player above.
