Swedish man in custody – vandalized Nidaros Cathedral

Swedish man in custody vandalized Nidaros Cathedral



full screen A Swedish man has been arrested and detained in Norway for vandalizing the Nidaros Cathedral. Photo: Joakim Halvorsen/NTB

A Swedish man in his 40s has committed more than 15 crimes in Trondheim in Norway recently. Now he is being detained for four weeks, among other things for gross damage to the cathedral Nidarosdomen.

The man is said to have scrawled “Hitler”, “666” as well as swastikas and other Nazi symbols at the national shrine. He has also smashed several car windows and vandalized a Jewish cemetery. There, three Stars of David were crushed and scattered on the grass.

– He has incurred over 15 reports in the last two weeks here in Trondheim. Now we want to put an end to it and because we believe there is a sufficient risk of repetition, we have gone to the district court, says police prosecutor Anne Haave to Norwegian TV 2.

The man pleaded guilty to the damage to Nidaros Cathedral and the cemetery at a detention hearing in Trøndelag District Court on Friday, but refused psychiatric care and requested to be released.
