Sweden and Finland are silent in the face of a Turkish tyrant

Sweden and Finland are silent in the face of a

The crisis, which began with the confidence of the Minister of Justice, could lead to the resignation of the entire government. The decisive voice lies with the non-partisan Kakabaveh, who is demanding a firm line towards Turkey in return.

The Swedish government is once again in danger of collapsing, and once again the fate of the government is in the hands of one and the same woman. State Representative Amineh Kakabaveh has already twice rescued a demarched government. Now Sweden is waiting to see if Kakabaveh will do the same for the third time in a parliamentary vote tomorrow Tuesday.

Sweden’s most recent political crisis began last week with a motion of censure by the Swedish Democrats To Morgan Johansson. One of the reasons for this was its poor performance in discipline gang crime.

The moderate coalition, the Christian Democrats and the Liberals, stood in support of the Swedish Democrats. This, in turn, got the prime minister Magdalena Anderssonin to threaten with his own resignation and thus with the overthrow of the entire Demar government if the parliament passes a motion of censure on Johansson.

For a motion of censure to pass, at least 175 members of parliament should vote in favor. There are now 174 MPs behind the motion of censure, and the non-partisan Kakabahev has the casting vote. He previously belonged to the Left Party.

Turkey and Sweden’s NATO membership as part of a political game

Kakabaveh himself has stated that he is one of the people to whom the Turkish president belongs Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has referred to “terrorists” found in parliaments. Last year, in return for his support, Kakabaveh demanded and received a promise from the demarche government that Sweden would increase its support for the Kurds and not bow to Turkish demands.

Among other things, the Social Democrats promised to increase aid and cooperation with the Syrian Kurdish region and its main party, PYD, and to support the work of the pro-Kurdish HDP in Turkey.

Now Kakabaveh is demanding that the Social Democrats honor their promises and make a stronger commitment to them as a condition for once again rescuing the government. On Sunday, he said Dagens Nyheterille (you switch to another service)that the demars have not fulfilled the promises he had previously made to him.

Kakabaveh is very concerned about the concessions to Turkey

Kakabaveh commented to on Monday morning that negotiations with the demars are still ongoing, as he has not yet received clear assurance that the promises will be kept.

Turkey has claimed that Finland and Sweden support “Kurdish terrorists” and refuse to extradite them to Turkey. President Erdoğan has also criticized the restrictions imposed by Finland and Sweden on the export of defense equipment.

Kakabaveh is following the activities of Finland and Sweden with regard to Turkey with concern.

– I and thousands of Kurds are very concerned that Sweden and Finland will give in to Turkey. Unfortunately, Sweden has already done so by remaining completely silent when Erdoğan argues and says rough things about domestic and foreign policy, Kakabaveh writes in an email to .

– Erdoğan wants to decide who is allowed and who is not allowed to be a member of parliament and a minister. He has opinions about our public service [Ruotsin televisio SVT ja Ruotsin radio SR], our freedom of speech and so on. Unfortunately, I see that Sweden and Finland, without a conscience, remain silent and submit to the tyrant.

Kakabaveh will fight on Sunday In Aftonbladet (switch to another service) in his published opinion paper, allegations that he would focus on advancing the interests of the Kurds rather than Sweden. Kakabaveh assures that he is defending Swedish law and democracy with his demands.

However, the situation may still be resolved without Kakabavehia, for Svenska Dagbladetin (switch to another service) Experts interviewed on Monday estimate that Justice Minister Johansson may resign voluntarily before tomorrow’s vote, thus saving the rest of the government until the September parliamentary elections. In this way, the demars would overtake Kakabaveh’s demands.
