Sven-Erik about the hot pills in Hotel romance: “Has had…”

Sven Erik about the hot pills in Hotel romance Has had

Sven-Erik Sjögren, 72, is one of the participants in the new season of Hotel romance. Already upon his arrival at the hotel, Sven-Erik aroused strong reactions, after the women saw that he had an envelope with “sex pills”. News24 have spoken to Sven-Erik, who reveals what was in the mysterious envelope.

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The criticism against Sven-Erik’s horny pills

When the women arrived at the hotel, they were allowed to look in the men’s bags and choose one with items that appealed to them. The man who owned the pack would be their first date. The fact that Sven-Erik brought horny pills was not met with resounding laughter, but the women kept a safe distance from the horny bag. Carmen, 63, was the last one left and therefore had to choose Sven-Erik.

She thought he was handsome, but she wasn’t impressed with the contents of the bag.

– Sven-Erik, he was like his bag. It was so much, much, much. Too much, Carmen added after the meeting SVT.

Sven-Erik before the meeting with Carmen in Hotel romance. Photo: Screen image/SVT.

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What sex pills did Sven-Erik have with him?

Many people have been curious as to whether Sven-Erik actually had pills in his bag, a question he is happy to answer.

– Of course I had real sex pills with me. I brought Viagra with me to the hotel, because people know what it is, but I have several types that I test in between, says Sven-Erik to Nyheter24 and continues:

– But the pills that everyone thinks work only work if you’re already horny. I have tried pills both with my wife once upon a time, but also with one night stands.

Today, Sven-Erik is confident in his body, but in his youth he could get brain ghosts during sex.

– It is clear that I had a lot of thoughts that got in the way, but then I was under 40 and could still get an erection. If you are afraid and think “what if I don’t get an erection”, then you won’t. It’s a curse then.

Criticism of Sven-Erik in Hotel romance 2024: “Too much”

Life doesn’t end after 70

Sven-Erik believes that Viagra is neither necessary if you are in good physical shape, but that it does no harm to take it with you to Hotel Romantik. He wants to show both the viewers and the participants that everything is possible even after turning 70.

Sven-Erik tells us that he wants to live his life to the max. One reason why he is in the program is to show how cool life can be after you turn 70.

– I will hopefully walk this earth for 90 years, and during those 90 years I will have as much fun as I possibly can. That’s the reason why I’m on the show, I want to show how much fun you can have when you’re old.

Sven-Erik brought Viagra to Hotel Romantik. Photo: Tomas Oneborg/SvD/TT

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