Supervision of welfare violations in healthcare must be tightened

Supervision of welfare violations in healthcare must be tightened




full screen Elderly and Social Security Minister Anna Tenje (M) and Health Care Minister Acko Ankarberg Johansson (KD) at Wednesday’s press conference on welfare crime. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

The Inspectorate for Care and Social Care receives two assignments from the government to strengthen the work against welfare crime.

– It is a priority issue for the government to combat welfare crime and we need to do it widely in many sectors, says Minister of Health Acko Ankarberg Johansson (KD) at a press conference.

One assignment is for Ivo to strengthen supervision against welfare crimes in healthcare and dental care.

– The assignment includes developing the authority’s ability to identify and act against unscrupulous or criminal actors through supervision, as well as identify the need for increased cooperation between authorities, says Acko Ankarberg Johansson.

Ivo must also strengthen and develop his work in preventing and countering welfare crimes and the presence of unscrupulous actors in care, says Minister for the Elderly and Social Insurance Anna Tenje (M)

– It is extremely important that the criminals cannot use our welfare system as an ATM, says Tenje.
