Subject of Bac specialty physics-chemistry: date, subjects and layout of the test

Subject of Bac specialty physics chemistry date subjects and layout of

BAC PHYSICS-CHEMISTRY. During the baccalaureate specialty test session organized from May 11 to 13, some candidates will take the physics-chemistry exam. What topics will the exam cover? First elements of response.

It is part of scientific teaching and is very popular with high school students in the final year: the physics-chemistry specialty. Just behind mathematics, teaching is the most chosen by the pupils who pass the baccalaureate according to Studyrama. Many of them are therefore preparing for the written and practical tests because yes, the candidates assessed in physics and chemistry are subject to two exams: the first on May 11 or 12 and the second a few days later according to a schedule set by each establishment. A few days before the exam, the high school students are in the middle of revision but what subjects will be covered during the test? How will the exam take place? And when will the results come out? So many questions to which the Internet user answers.

When is the physics-chemistry bac test scheduled?

After a postponement decided by the Ministry of National Education due to the consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic on the school system, the specialty tests for the bin 2022 are organized between Wednesday 11 and Friday 13 May. Candidates for the physics-chemistry exam are expected in the afternoon of May 11 or 12, according to the first information available to the site.Student. Whatever the day of the test, the candidates will work from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

What subjects will the physics-chemistry specialty test cover?

It is not uncommon to see candidates bet on the subjects that will be on the menu of the written tests, but the practice is risky. To pass an exam, the best technique is to master all the subjects, but it is not impossible to exclude some of them during revisions, especially those that are not assessed during the exams. In physics and chemistry all the themes of the program are likely to appear on the subject of the test but not in their entirety and the Ministry of Education specifies the sub-themes not taken into account in the preparation of the baccalaureate subjects. Here is all the knowledge that can be assessed on the day of the written physics-chemistry test:

Theme “Constitution and transformations of matter”

  • Determine the composition of a system by physical and chemical methods
    • Modeling acid-base transformations by H+ hydrogen ion transfers
    • Analyze a chemical system by physical methods
    • Analyze a system by chemical methods
  • Modeling the temporal evolution of a system, seat of a transformation

Monitor and model the temporal evolution of a system undergoing a chemical transformation

  • Predicting the final state of a system, the site of a chemical transformation
    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​Predict the direction of the spontaneous evolution of a chemical system
    • Compare the strength of acids and bases
  • Develop strategies in organic synthesis
    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​Structure and properties
    • Optimization of a synthesis step

Theme “Movement and interactions”

  • Describe a movement
  • Relate the actions applied to a system to its movement

Theme “Energy: conversions and transfers”

  • Describe a thermodynamic system: example of the perfect gas model
  • Carrying out energy balances on a system: the first law of thermodynamics

Theme “Waves and signals”

  • Characterize wave phenomena (except the Dopplet effect and the Doppler shift)
  • Form images, describe light by a flux of photons

Form images

  • Study the dynamics of an electrical system

For the practical test, also called the evaluation of experimental skills, the ministry also excludes certain skills from the list of potential exam subjects. It should be noted that the themes of the program not evaluated in the written test are not evaluated during the practical exam either, but candidates who have followed the physics-chemistry specialty can also exclude other manipulations from their revisions:

  • Create a battery and an electrical circuit integrating an electrolyser
  • Use a device to study the buoyancy of Archimedes
  • Measure pressure and flow velocity in a gas and in a liquid
  • Use a photovoltaic cell

The day of thewritten test of physics and chemistry the candidates have 3h30 to compose. The exam is divided into two parts: the first is a compulsory exercise common to all candidates, for the second part high school students must complete two exercises with choices out of three offered. In terms of distribution of points, the first half of the test is assessed on ten points and the last two exercises are scored on five points each. To help the candidate in his choice, keywords are entered before each exercise to specify the main topics covered.

L’practical test, it lasts an hour. On the subject side, each academy retains a certain number of assessment situations from those available on a national bank of subjects. At the time of the examination, the candidate draws lots for an evaluation situation “from among a subset, renewed every half-day, of at least two predominantly physical evaluation situations and two predominantly chemistry”, indicates the Ministry of Education. The candidate then has one hour to carry out the requested manipulations.

When is the result of the physics-chemistry test published?

The results of the physics-chemistry specialty test must be published, like the results of the other baccalaureate tests, on July 5, 2022. Composed of two exams, the final physics-chemistry mark is obtained by multiplying the mark by 0.8 of the written part and by 0.2 that of the practical part.
