Subject of Bac specialty Literature and languages ​​and cultures of Antiquity: what to expect? The course of the test

Subject of Bac specialty Literature and languages ​​and cultures of

EVENT LITERATURE LANGUAGES CULTURES ANTIQUITY. The specialty tests are the first of the Bac 2022. Some candidates are preparing to take the “Literature and languages ​​and cultures of Antiquity” exam between May 11 and 13. Discover the tracks on the potential subjects and the course of the test.

Last straight line for Latin and Greek root revisions! The Literature and Languages ​​and Cultures of Antiquity test, otherwise known as LLCA, will take place on May 13, 2022. This test is part of the short session of the Baccalaureate 2022 specialty tests. intended for literary studies has existed since the implementation of the baccalaureate reform. It is one of the twelve specialty subjects that first and final high school students choose to take or not. To appeal to high school students, the field of fields studied has been broadened by combining literature with the study of the culture of the languages ​​of Antiquity, which can encourage young students to learn Latin and Greek. The written specialty test is organized for the first time since the entry into force of the bac reform, so it is difficult to know what to expect for certain candidates. From the dates, to the probable subjects, including the course and the arrangements for the test, here is everything you need to know about the Literature and Languages ​​and Cultures of Antiquity specialty exam.

Like all the other specialty teaching exams, the LLCA specialty test was to take place in March, but the Ministry of National Education has decided to postpone the test to May to prevent some candidates from be penalized by the consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic on the school system. It is therefore between May 11 and 13 that the tests are held, and that of LLCA will take place May 13, 2022.

LLCA specialty education is structured into study objects, only two of which can be assessed on the day of the Baccalaureate. On May 13, a high school student who has chosen this option can come across “Man, the world, destiny” or “Believe, know, doubt”. On the other hand, the object of study “Mediterranean: presence of the ancient worlds” is not assessable in the specialty test. If this theme can be slightly excluded from candidate reviews, it is better not to completely ignore it. In fact, since the subjects can be transversal, certain knowledge could help the candidates. Here are the two themes that can be the subject of the LLCA test:

  • The man, the world, the destiny”
  • Believe, Know, Doubt”

On the day of the BAC, there is only one written test for the LLCA specialty. So don’t panic, you won’t have to speak Greek or Latin in front of a jury! This written test consists of two parts, each marked with ten points. In the first part entitled “Language study”, candidates will be offered two lexicon questions (2 points) and two grammar questions (2 points). Each time they will have to deal with only one (of their choice). In the second part entitled “Comprehension and interpretation” (10 points), the candidates will have to deal with one of the two proposed composition subjects.

Are there any facilities related to health constraints? The answer is yes. As part of a second school year disrupted by the health crisis, the choice is offered to candidates: they will choose three of the four exercises on the subject. This greater freedom makes it possible to compensate for the possible non‐processing of part of the program. Only the old language version is not subject to duplication, because the translation exercise, which is learned throughout schooling, is not subject to a program as such.

A priori, the results of the specialty test Literature and languages ​​and cultures of Antiquity will be available on July 5, at the same time as the results of the other tests (French, philosophy and major oral). The fact that specialty courses are evaluated a little earlier does not influence the publication of the results.
