Strong winds expected along Erie shoreline

Strong winds expected along Erie shoreline

Strong winds along the Lake Erie shoreline could result in localized flooding on Sunday, says the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority.

Sustained wind speeds are expected to peak around 45 km/h, with tastes up to 70 km/h. The marine forecast suggests southwest winds over the lake will peak around 55 km/h Sunday morning, diminishing to 35 km/h in the afternoon. Waves in open water areas are forecasted to reach 1.5 meters in height during the day.

There is a risk of flooding and shoreline damage along Erie Shore Drive. While some ice berms are still present along the shoreline, the majority have melted or been severely degraded and may no longer provide the same level of protection, the LTVCA added.

Given the cold temperatures forecasted, the spray from waves impacting shoreline protection can be expected to freeze, creating hazardous conditions.

There could also be impacts to other low-lying shoreline areas that have seen flooding over the last few years.
