Strawberry lift: what is this new method to remove the double chin?

Strawberry lift what is this new method to remove the

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    Do you dream of a defined jawline without a double chin in a few minutes? This is what the new non-invasive method “Strawberry Lift” offers. We tell you all about this technique that is making the buzz.

    With social networks, the trend is for the oval of the face defined with the jawline contouring and raised cheekbones. To ride this trend, aesthetic medicine institutes are constantly developing new methods. to overcome a double chin or raise the oval of the face.

    Today, it is no longer a question of going through the surgery box! With these new techniques of aesthetic medicine, in a few minutes you get the desired result. How? ‘Or’ What ? Thanks to injections of hyaluronic acid or thanks to “lipo-laser” also called “strawberry lift”.

    The “Strawberry Lift”: what is it exactly?

    For those who are tempted, the “Strawberry Lift”, also called “Strawberry Laser”, eliminates fat cells from an area of ​​the face – the chin in particular – thanks to a specific laser. That’s not all, since ultrasound also stimulates the production of collagen and smoothes the skin to redefine the contours of the face. According to the specialized studio, the technique makes it possible to overcome a double chin, but also to raise the cheekbones and sculpt the jawline. Note that at 360 Aesthetics, the “Strawberry Laser” is also offered to target certain parts of the body.

    On its website and Instagram page, 360 Aesthetics evokes a “completely non-invasive and needle-free method to sculpt and reshape the face in just 12 minutes!”. And icing on the cake, the results of this non-surgical act would be instantaneous and would last up to 18 months. On the other hand, do not expect to have spectacular results from the first session. The ideal is to do about four sessions before seeing a real change. Note that a session costs around 300 euros.
