Stop paying pensions to residents in Sweden: They are affected

Stop paying pensions to residents in Sweden They are affected

National pension has mainly been paid to residents in Sweden. But now that’s over. It reports Swedens radio on Tuesday evening.

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Saves 450 million kroner for pensioners

The Finnish government has made several austerity decisions recently. The latest decision is aimed at those who live in countries other than Finland.

This is announced by the neighboring country’s finance minister Riikka Purra(True Finns) in a radio segment on Tuesday.

Also increased the VAT

They also introduced an increased VAT and several other savings which it is hoped will give Finland’s treasury more than SEK 30 billion extra per year.

This is evident from the spring amendment budget that the government presented on Tuesday.

SEK 450 million comes from the pension savings.

The measures are to reduce the risk of Finland’s national debt increasing further.

Read more about pensions and finances:

The Riksbank stop tied their loans days before they raised interest rates

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