Star of Leonardo DiCaprio’s masterpiece Wolf of Wall Street had to be hospitalized

Star of Leonardo DiCaprios masterpiece Wolf of Wall Street had

All the hardships stars don’t put up with. Some lose 70 pounds for a role, like Christian Bale. Other sniff fake cocaine for seven months and end up in the hospital. Like Jonah Hill in the Leonardo DiCaprio masterpiece The Wolf of Wall Street.

Leonardo DiCaprio’s co-star got bronchitis from fake coke

He spent seven months on the talk show Any Given Sunday with Bill Simmons (via YouTube). sniffed vitamin D powder every day, so Hill. He ended up in the hospital with bronchitis for three weeks. The powder, which looks similar to cocaine, is basically harmless. According to the star, the incredible amount in his lungs still made itself felt in the end.

Hill plays Donnie Azoff, a party-happy financial con man who makes his fortune alongside DiCaprio’s Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street. Cocaine and other drugs figure prominently in the film’s plot.

In the end, Jonah Hill’s pain was worth it. The Wolf of Wall Street is considered by many fans to be an absolute masterpiece, even in the body of work by its acclaimed director, Martin Scorsese (GoodFellas). And if you only get bronchitis after seven months of daily cocaine use, you can actually count yourself lucky.

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In this edition of our Moviepilot podcast, Stream Browsing, we take a look at the big movies coming exclusively to Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and Apple TV+ this year. The result is a list of ten special recommendations.

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From the sci-fi epic to the potential Oscar nominee, everything is included. The talents gathered are particularly impressive. In 2023 we can expect new movies from Martin Scorsese, David Fincher and Zack Snyder in the streaming space, while Gal Gadot, Leonardo DiCaprio, Henry Cavill and Chris Hemsworth will be in front of the camera.

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