Springsteen waxes lyrical about being back in Sweden

Jessica Springsteen is one of the more well-known names competing at Friends Arena this weekend.
But the American herself is lyrical about being back on Swedish soil.
– I love this competition, I really want to come every year, she tells TV4 during the opening night of the Sweden International Horse Show.

The premiere evening offered a calm competition for the international jumpers, where both riders and horses had the opportunity to acclimatize to their new environment.

But in the star-studded starting field, perhaps Jessica Springsteen, daughter of Bruce, stands out the most. The American has a heavy surname to carry, but is seen as one of equestrian sport’s biggest future names and has, among other things, an Olympic silver in team jumping on her merit list already.

In the show jumping on the opening night, it was an eleventh place for Springsteen, who is a little lyrical about being back in Sweden and at the Friends Arena again.

I love this competition, I really want to come every year and I missed it last year, so I’m really happy to be back. The atmosphere is wonderful and the audience is fantastic, she says when she visits the TV4 studio on location in Stockholm.

Springsteen comes to Stockholm with two horses. It is the stallion Rmf Clinton Son and also the gelding Hungry Heart, which has a special Swedish connection.

He comes from Peder Fredricson, I have had him since he was six years old and he is returning home this weekend.

For those interested in music, the name Hungry Heart might ring bells. The name is taken from father Bruce Springsteen’s ballad, which was released in 1980.

It’s one of the songs that I remember most from when I was younger. I think I was on that tour, where that song was played a lot and I remember it from a very young age.

If Thursday offered a quiet warm-up for Springsteen, there are significantly higher ambitions for the rest of the weekend, where Springsteen has good opportunities to compete for good placements.

It’s a fantastic arena, but sometimes the horses can be a bit surprised, so it was nice to get into it and take them for a lap and hopefully we can go for it tomorrow, sums up Jessica Springsteen.

Horse party at Friends

Stream the Sweden International Horse Show from Friends Arena – one of the world’s biggest equestrian events. The international equestrian elite is in place.
