Södersjukhuset closes the emergency department after a bomb threat

The emergency room at Södersjukhuset has been evacuated after a bomb threat was directed at the hospital.
– We can confirm the emergency department is closed due to a bomb threat, says Nanna Wedar, head of communications at Södersjukhuset.

The emergency department at Södersjukhuset has been evacuated after a bomb threat was received.

– I have been contacted by that information and we can confirm that the emergency department has closed due to a bomb threat, says Nanna Wedar, head of communications at Södersjukhuset.

She cannot answer when the threat was directed at the hospital and refers all other information to the police.

– Someone has called the hospital. We do not go into what was said, but we consider it frivolous, says Nadya Norton, spokesperson for the police.

She says that they remain for the purpose of creating security.
