Skönviksbacken between Sundsvall and Timrå is not affected by the lack of lift technicians

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Line Skogheim, vice chairman and responsible for the piste and lift on the hill, says that the municipality of Timrå has contributed with a trained lift technician who, with the help of non-profit zealots, keeps the ski facility in operation.

– It’s me and the guys who work here on the hill with everything that might need maintenance, she says.

A work that is close to the heart

Chairman Christer Bodén and vice chairman Line Skogheim have ridden the hill themselves throughout their lives and it felt obvious to them to take responsibility for the hill continuing to be in operation.

– I have always been here in the hill since 1968 when I was a little boy. Now grandchildren are on the way who hopefully will also go here, so I want to give the opportunity to go here to future generations, says Christer Bodén.

Hear more about how Skönviksbacken survives with the power of non-profits in the video above.
