sixth evacuation of the Palace of Versailles in a week – L’Express

sixth evacuation of the Palace of Versailles in a week

The management of the Palace of Versailles is starting to get into the (sad) habit of this. She indicated on It “will proceed with the reopening as soon as the checks have been carried out”, it is specified.

The evacuation was decided after a message relating to a bomb threat was issued on the platform, as has been the case several times in recent days, police and sources said. close to the file with the AFP.

This is the sixth time in seven days that the palace has been evacuated in this way, the first dating back to Saturday October 14. These alerts have been multiplying for several days in France, placed in an “attack emergency” situation since the jihadist attack which cost the life of teacher Dominique Bernard in Arras. In addition to the Palace of Versailles, the Louvre Museum as well as numerous airports were evacuated – one or more times – in a week.

The government warned on Wednesday that each threat would be the subject of a complaint, with Justice Minister Éric Dupond-Moretti denouncing “the little puppets who have fun with these threats, which are false in this case”. The criminal sanction can be up to two years in prison and a fine of 30,000 euros.
