Should I exercise on an empty stomach? Answer from a sports coach

Should I exercise on an empty stomach Answer from a

Sports on an empty stomach make you lose weight, say some specialists. However, practicing physical activity on an empty stomach can cause some problems. We take stock.

There are many misconceptions that circulate around diet and physical activity and in particular on the question of whether it is better fasting for sports.

On the same subject

Before answering the question, it is necessary to remember that it is very difficult to establish general rules on this issue. For some athletes, running on a full stomach can be complicated because the feeling of having a full stomach can be unpleasant during exercise.

Another example, yoga. In this discipline, we are forced to adopt postures in contortions, in inversions, so if we have just had breakfast, it may be quite unpleasant. So it depends on what activity you are doing. But not only.

The nature and composition of the meal play a role. Just like assiduity in sports practice. “For a top athlete, or at least someone who is used to doing sports without anything in their stomach, there is little risk of problems during exercise. However, people who are not accustomed to or poorly trained may discomforthypoglycemia, etc.“, warns Christophe Ruelle sports coach.

Dried fruits or a banana for a long effort

You should know that the longer you make efforts or that require a lot of energy, the less it will be wise to have an empty stomach. Without having recourse to a hearty meal, it is better in this case to have something in the belly. Dried fruit or a banana for example, if you have to run for a long time in the morning.

Fasting to lose weight?

If your goal is to lose weight by exercising on an empty stomach, studies show that this habit increases hunger for the rest of the day! So it’s a data to take into account in relation to what motivates you. It is essential to know yourself, to learn to anticipate the reactions of your body, your own habits. Difficult to generalize. You have to ask the right questions. How long will my effort last? At what intensity? If you start an activity again after a break, take it easy and eat a little before the session. In any case, plan an energy bar in case during the session, you feel signs of weakness. For the unaccustomed, whether you eat before or not, you have to go in stages”, recommends the coach.

Beyond food, Above all, remember to stay hydrated. Intense effort or not, water remains essential before, during and after the effort. For the rest, listen carefully to your feelings!

Thanks to Christophe Ruelle Sports Coach
