Sheath after childbirth: when, why wear one?

Sheath after childbirth when why wear one

After childbirth, wearing a sheath helps to find a flat stomach, but also to maintain the organs and the back. Benefits, choices and sheath models… The opinion of Lauriane Chabre-Dumontet, midwife.

After giving birth, most women keep their pregnancy belly. This is often still bulky, rounded, which is normal because the uterus has not yet had time to return to its normal size, nor its initial place directly postpartum. Waiting to find their pre-pregnancy belly, the use of a postpartum sheath or belt may prove useful. What is it about ? Why put on a sheath after childbirth? How long can we wear it? Here are all the answers to the questions as well as the opinion of a midwife, Lauriane Chabre-Dumontet.

Why wear a postpartum girdle?

Wearing a girdle after childbirth can be useful for a new mother’s body. In addition to abdominal re-education, a healthy diet, physical exercise (and patience!), this accessory – available as a sheath panties or belt – can help reshape your figure. Indeed, the sheath will flatten the belly and firm the waistline. Other benefits of the post-pregnancy sheath : it would help the organs to find their initial place and to maintain the right back thus avoiding the frequent back pains after the childbirth. Finally, the girdles could help limit the risk of organ descent and abdominal diastasis (excessive stretching of the abdominals).

Is it recommended to wear a sheath after childbirth?

Wearing a sheath after childbirth is done in several cultures! The sheath is a good thing, because it will play the role of the abdominal strap, which is often a bit faltering and less toned after thechildbirth. Clearly, it will support all the intra-abdominal organs and it can also compensate for a perineum released. It’s like a support belt.” explains Lauriane Chabre-Dumontet, midwife.

“The girdle is a good thing. It’s like a support belt that will play the role of the abdominal strap.”

When to wear a sheath after childbirth?

In principle, a young mother can start wearing a girdle a few days after giving birth. The important thing is not to wear it too compressed at first, then to tighten it a little more over time, when our body has got used to it and our silhouette is refined. In any case, it is best to seek the advice of your midwife or doctor before wearing a postpartum girdle.

How long can a girdle be worn after childbirth?

The sheath after childbirth can be worn daily, provided you let the belly breathe from time to time, for several weeks, as needed. About 8 weeks or less if you are satisfied with the result.

Can you wear a sheath after a caesarean section?

After a caesarean section, a young mother can also wear a sheath. “The sheath will even be able to relieve the pain that is located at the level of the scar. To my knowledge, I do not know of any risks”explains the expert.

The postpartum belt or girdle should be placed below the waist, at the level of the pelvis to avoid pushing the organs down and to have optimal support.

Choose ideally a belt that is placed at the level of the pelvis that you can hide under your clothes. Don’t take it too tight so you can go about your business without feeling too compressed! Among the best known and favorite brands of young mothers, the abdominal belt of the American brand Belly Bandit, which you can wear to firm up your belly whether you gave birth vaginally or by caesarean section. It is also found in the Scandinavian brand Carriwell, specializing in nursing bras and comfort clothes for pregnancy and sold on LaRedoute or Zalando. As for panties, the range Belly Bandit C-Section is also very popular. In addition to shaping belts and panties, the Séraphine brand, which specializes in maternity clothes, offers a whole range of shaping pieces, including flat-tummy postpartum leggings and jeans and post-pregnancy sculpting tops.

If wearing a belt or shaping panties can help you regain your figure, the regular practice of certain sports and exercises also promotes belly sheathing after pregnancy:

Abdominal rehabilitation

Less practiced by young mothers than the rehabilitation of the perineum, the abdominal rehabilitation postpartum is however also necessary to help you remuscle your abdominal belt. Sessions that your doctor can prescribe during your post-natal examination. Abdominal re-education can be practiced with a physiotherapist, a few weeks after childbirth, and after perineal re-education. Count about ten sessions to resculpt your abs.


For a gentle fitness for your body, the practice of postnatal yoga can also help you gain weight in your belly. Among the postures to practice, Vasisthasana (the board on the side) and the Cobra.


Excellent sport to redraw its overall silhouette, swimming, if practiced regularly, also allows you to sheath your abdominal strap. If all types of swimming strokes can help you strengthen your abs, front crawl and back crawl are to be favored to work the obliques and tone the belly because they require to contract the abdominal zone permanently.

Hypopressive gymnastics

Gentle method to tone your abs in depth, hypopressive gymnastics consists of performing exercises deep breathing. This sheathing technique also allows you to preserve your back and your perineum, weakened by pregnancy.

When does the pregnancy belly disappear?

We often hear it said that we must “9 months to do, 9 months to undo”. Generally, the uterus needs about 6 weeks to return to its normal size and thus make the pregnancy belly “disappear” little by little. And for good reason, during the 9 months of pregnancy, the abdominal muscles were relaxed to allow the baby to grow inside the uterus. It is therefore necessary to agree the time necessary to regain its pre-pregnancy belly. Moreover, from one woman to another, it also depends on the metabolism, eating habits and lifestyle of each person.

Thanks to Lauriane Chabre-Dumontet, midwife in Fontenay-sous-Bois.
