Sexual abstinence: benefits, what consequences?

Sexual abstinence benefits what consequences

Sexual abstinence, whether for medical reasons or not, has many effects on our bodies. Here are the ones in women and men.

Several reasons can lead to practicing sexual abstinence: religious, social, medical (in the event of infection or on the eve of a in vitro fertilization in men) or more simply because we no longer want to make love.

Definition: what is sexual abstinence?

Sexual abstinence consists of stop all sexual relations for a more or less long period.

What are the consequences of sexual abstinence on the body?

In humans, “there are consequences on the quality of the erectile system if abstinence is long-termexplains Anne-Marie Lazartigues, sexologist in Paris. The man will have more difficulty maintaining erections“. This is all the more important if the man is old. In addition, the risk of prostate cancer decreases in men who ejaculate often and regularly, compared to those who have little, especially among older men. In women, no consequences on the body have been noted, except of a psychological nature. Indeed, in both men and women, abstinence leads to a drop in libido and increases stress and blood pressure.

What are the consequences for the couple?

Generally, the abstinence that sets in within the couple is bad sign“, explains the sexologist. According to her, making love increases the kindness and the bond between the two partners: “if the sexual act causes pleasure This is because we secrete oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins“, she explains. This cocktail leads to a feeling of well-being, and therefore very positive effects on the couple. “If there is no more connection, little by little, the goodwill between the two partners will fade“, she explains. In addition, without these hormonal secretions, we will be less able to tolerate stress and blood pressure will increase. “If abstinence sets in, a drop in libido will follow, and it’s a vicious circleexplains Anne Marie Lazartigues. In women, feeling less desirable has more consequences. It is very important to want to show yourself and see yourself in a positive way through the eyes of the other“, recalls the sexologist.

What are the benefits of abstinence for women?

In case of infectionabstinence is obviously “desirable, or even obligatory to properly heal from a major infection“, recalls the sexologist. This is also the case after a difficult birth that resulted in a tear : intercourse is not recommended until there has been complete healing. In case abortion, it is also essential not to have intercourse as long as the bleeding persists, to avoid infections. This can take between two weeks and a month after the abortion. “But all these situations are exceptional“, recalls the sexologist. “In everyday life, I don’t see any benefits, except being certain of not to get pregnant if we don’t want to, andavoid sexually transmitted infections“.

Before IVF or sperm donation, abstinence is recommended

What are the benefits of abstinence for men?

In humans, there are no recognized benefits of abstinence, on the contrary, it is important to ejaculate regularly. Of course, in the event of an infection or sexually transmitted disease, abstinence remains essential while waiting for recovery.

When is abstinence recommended?

Before IVF or sperm donation, it is recommended not to have sex a few days before. Thanks to this, the sperm is available and of good quality when collected. Also for women, sexual abstinence is recommended for the three days preceding the egg retrieval. But there is no point in abstaining any longer.

Thanks to Anne-Marie Lazartigues, sexologist in Paris.
